Inclusivity Projects We're Working On

What Is it?

These projects are intended to thoughtfully engage with communities that haven’t always been actively invited into our work with an eye toward long term organizational change.

Why Does it Matter

PFTP has often resided in an urban homesteading/permaculture/foodie culture realm that is predominately white and doesn’t always feel inclusive. We believe that we are better as an organization because we invite the entire community into our work, so we are dedicating resources to learning what communities need to feel included and testing those ideas.

Projects like the ones identified in 2021 will lead to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization that truly reflects Portland. These projects also seek to create healing for individuals and communities who have experienced harm and trauma around land, food, and harvesting.

How is it Going?

In the Summer of 2021, we brought on former intern Kenja Bettis to dream creative ways to engage new communities. She envisioned two initial projects: Fruit Walks and Healing Harvests. She also forged a relationship with Taking Ownership, an organization that seeks to build generational wealth within the Black Community.

Fruit Walks are intended to invite communities that don’t always feel safe walking through neighborhoods to experience the fruit growing around them, build community through group walks, learn about what is growing where, try new fruit, and reconnect to place in a new way. Participants so far have really enjoyed them and you can tell from the pictures it was a really fun time!

Healing Harvests are intended to be guided harvest opportunities that include some meditation and mindfulness activities and are attended by members of communities who have historic trauma around food harvesting and growing. The first event was in partnership with Portland State University and was a great success. These harvests occur on public land or properties owned by People of Color.

We look forward to doing fruit tree selection workshops and fruit tree plantings with Taking Ownership and the Connecting Canopies coalition in 2022!